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January 7, 2013

Happy 2013! =)

Hi, I am back, for good. Been putting off blogging for a really long time now but I am back for good now. This is gonna be the first post since I got here to UK. As of yesterday (5th January ‘13) I have officially lived in Portsmouth for 4 months now. Life is good here, very much different than back home, but home is still where my heart belongs *cough* besides New York *cough*

Since I got here, I was so used to the instant-ness and fastness of using Facebook, forgoing what had been keeping me sane – writing. I guess I should have seen it coming, hours and days are slipping out of my fingers, my life is spinning out of control, fast and vain. Days were spent lingering around the high street, delving in the short satisfaction of bringing home a new paperbag every time. I don’t listen to music anymore, I rarely write, and I don’t THINK anymore. Living life as it is passes and letting 2012 ( a wonderful year ) ended without a proper closure, I must say it was bleek and hurtful (to myself). Luckily, I have had my last straw and took sometime alone lately thinking and counting my blessings.

Just wrapped up a two-weeks trip around UK and it was amazing. Had an extra week after that to stay home and sloughed around. It was a pretty awesome winter break. =) Watched a movie yesterday “Under the Tuscan Sun” and the ending really caught me off guard, got me thinking sometimes, you really needed that someone to remind you how lucky you are, that you have been granted everything you ever wanted, you just need to see thing in different light.


A wonderful movie not to be missed ~ Wenz, you heard me? ^^

School is starting next week, and I have no game plan. Yet.
Six days have passed since the new year, and I have no resolutions. Yet.
Four months into my one year abroad, and I have not truly settled in. Yet.