Firstly, I'd like to start off this post by saying it was not a spur of the moment thing, because tattoos are like pets, it's for ever. Treat the decision of getting one with respect. And once you did, let the excitement take you over! =)
I've been sitting on the decision of getting one for 2 years. I know, it's such a long time but I was concerned about my sensitive skin and wasn't sure about what I wanted to get. It just didn't feel right at that time. Then lately, quite a lot has happened (both good and bad) and I wanted something to remember them by.
Everything started to fall in line and if there's an appropriate time to get a tattoo, now would be it. I've recently lost one of the greatest Christmas 'present' I've ever had (I got JC on the 27th December, 12 years ago) and she was the best present I could ever asked for. Sadly, she'd past away one and a half month ago. This tattoo will be a Christmas gift to myself this year, something to remind me of the gratifying pain I've gone through having to bury my favourite fluffball, my best friend in the ground.
With 23 days left to close the book on year 2014, I have finally decided to get the tattoo I wanted for close to a year now -- a worldmap on my wrist, as a reminder to travel more and stay humble. I traced over a selected map and sent the artwork to the tattoo artist. She told me it's doable and managed to slot me in amongst her busy schedule.
My tattoo moodboard, so to speak
I did quite a lot of research about the process, the after-care as well as looking up some of the artists' portfolios. I gravitated towards one of the artist's strokes & line works and asked she could be my appointed tattooist. And from then on, the rest is history.
Close-up of the tattoo (right after the session)
Here are some of the things I figured you'd like to note if you're thinking of getting inked too:
1) Know what you want, bring reference images if you're still figuring out some ideas and needed advice
2) Do not insult the artist by haggling or offering a below-average price
3) Yes, it does hurt getting a tattoo but it was better than I expected. I'd said it's a 3~4/10 if I were to rate the pain on a scale of 1-10.
Well, there you go, my first tattoo experience. Some say getting a tattoo is addictive, but while I'm ecstatic about my current tattoo, I think it will be a while before I think of getting another one. =)

"Not wanderlust. This is a lust for wonders."
I knew it! haha was waiting for your post about your tattoo and finally! I believed it will the one of the best christmas present you gave it to yourself and thanks for always becoming the inspire one!~