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March 3, 2010

fingers crossed…

Well, there goes the long-anticipated CNY celebration. How was your new year so far? Mine? Well, assignment is starting to pile up, that’s for sure. Otherwise, hmm, not too bad either. Just sat for the midterm subject, more is coming, so this blog shall be short & sweet. ^^


Last year, yes, the last day of the year of Ox, I started my year with a bang, and it only seems reasonable if I end my CNY celebration with a BANG! as well. And so, I did…Well, my dad did. Opps, he did it again. *yeap*


 IMG_6479Such a beautiful moon that night… IMG_6483 and so, I try to paint something poetic with it…IMG_6485 Light-painting, that is… Do you see a heart shape, upside down? ^^IMG_6490 And somehow, a firework was captured into the picture…he wanted to join to the party, I guess..IMG_6492   IMG_6496 One of my fave…IMG_6498 IMG_6504 “Hello~ again!”IMG_6495Now, this IS a recipe for DISASTER!!! to wrap yourself with it…IMG_6494KA-BOOM!!!!!!!  *i’m just kidding…nothing really happened* gotcha~IMG_6509 She’s so pretty, isn’t it?IMG_6516 Marking the end of my holiday *joy joy* NOT~IMG_6518 IMG_6525 IMG_6527 IMG_6530 IMG_6531 The sequence shots of the firecracker that brings new hope for a brand new year…The one on the bottom right is the last crack of the firecracker, captured in that moment~IMG_6534 B and I were to clean up the mess…let’s just say…we got creative… *wink*IMG_6536 IMG_6538 IMG_6543 Nothing puts a smile on a face like a fresh blossoms do.IMG_6551

The celebration is over, but not the hopefuls.


My fingers are crossed, this year is going to be G-R-E-A-T~ I know it…


With hope+love,


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