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March 22, 2010

live L.I.F.E

Lately haven’t been able to blog as much as I wanted too. So many times I have had a great title to blog with but then, assignment would grab me by the leg and there’s one good post down the drain.


Just got back from the lakeside after spending half the day there. Yesterday, the day before as well as today were pretty intense as there is a major studio submission coming up. Tomorrow would be the presentation day. Yesterday, I stayed until midnight at the new campus, but it feels really nice, to have something that makes you want to work your ass off.


Today, I’m home early. Leaving the project behind, I am pretty much content with what I saw through the lens of my camera. That wraps up my day.


IMG_7951Sneaking away with a camera, away to catch a breather… IMG_7952 IMG_7954 IMG_7957 Looks stunningly like a portrait, isn’t it?IMG_7959 IMG_7960 I can’t wait to move in…IMG_7963 IMG_7964 I found DSLR-er has many funny poses when they’re taking pictures…IMG_7965 I mean it, M-A-N-YIMG_7968 IMG_7973 me taking it all in…IMG_7975 IMG_7980 The billion dollar lake view…IMG_7981 No words is adequate to describe how beautiful it is~IMG_7984 I swear, this is taken as it is, no photoshop stunt~IMG_7989 IMG_7990


The shot that best represents my feeling recently.


Lately, I found myself trapped in daily routine, not having time to contemplate about things and stuff. It has taken its toll, nothing was very much inspiring and soon, life becomes dull and boring. However, luckily, B brought me to the hot air balloon festival and a talk by Liu Xuan, an inspiring writer, something I wouldn’t do if it wasn’t him dragging me there. Being there, being in something so beautiful and refreshing, it’s like a breath of fresh air to my already dying soul.


Resurrected, I dived back to reality, bracing for more routine. This studio project showed me so much, so much of people and myself. Inundating with so many facts, I secretly like the feeling of staying back late in school, especially lakeside. It makes me want to sit down and study more…


Truth be told, I have no idea what I am trying to convey here, I was just typing as the line flows. Today hasn’t been a great one, if not bad. Anyhow, it is ending now. Tomorrow would be the presentation day of this major studio submission, it’ll be great.


With weariness,


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